Welcome back to Reads Allotment Retreat.
This picture that welcomes you is the aptly named Rocket seed potato that I showed a picture of just 9 days ago. All the spuds planted at the time are starting to show through the weed membrane and reach up to the sun. Out of all the planting holes in this first bed, only one spud has yet to show. Lets hope they all grow on well and provide us with a bumper crop of spuds. I've grown this variety at home before, and they taste wonderful.
I managed a good few hours at the plot yesterday, and managed to plant up all my climbing beans and peas. The latter were very delicate and sadly a couple got broken during planting. Hopefully they will recover in time to put on some good growth. All the plants had grown well at home in the loo roll inners, and the protruding roots were a great indication of well they like this growing medium. I really cant see the point in forking out for plastic root trainers, especially as the rolls are completely free!
We had our first crop of Purple Sprouting Broccoli from the plot yesterday - enough to grace the table and compliment the Roast Lamb. Ruby loved it, as we all did, and hopefully we'll get a good few harvests here. There's a couple more of the growing but as yet not ready to pick. If only they'd grow as fast as the weeds! Jen has planted some of these at Reads Retreat, the more the merrier ! What a truly great FIRST harvest from the plot!
Whilst I was there, the final job of the day was to plant a row of Parsnip (v.Hollow Crown). These too were started in loo roll inners, and are therefore really easy to plant. These crops spend a long time in the ground, so I'm planning a few rows here and there to act as edging around some of the plots. One of the things I still need to get sorted is some kind a barrier across the plot. The wind whistles across the site and is a bit of a worry.
Hopefully later today I can get a few more hours in and try and repair my shed. I've invested in a sturdy Hasp & Staple, and a half decent padlock, which will hopefully deter all but the ardent thief!
Thats about it for now, but drop back soon for more news from our lottie!!
Take care and enjoy your gardens and plots,
12 hours ago