Welcome back to Reads Allotment Retreat, for a long overdue update posting.
There's many reasons for my long absence - not least the weather: January was Cold, Frosty, and mostly snowy, which prevented any gardening activity what so ever. And then there was February! I awoke on the morning of 30th Jan in excruciating pain. My right shoulder and right arm in worrying agony. A trip to the emergency quack on that day left me with the diagnosis of a trapped nerve somewhere in my neck / shoulder. The treament : Morphine tabs 3 times a day for 6 weeks, as well as Happy Pills to ease the inflammation. Further doctors surgery visits followed and then the dreaded referral to a Spinal Specialist. I'm still waiting on a date for that. The pain has eased somewhat, but I've only had one good nights sleep in a month, the rest of the nights have mainly been spent sitting in an armchair covered by a quilt.
So you see, I've not ventured to the plot since 7th Jan. I've been in touch with the allotments site manager, and informed him that i will be coming back. My order of seed potato's is there waiting for me, as well as the endless job of ground preparations! Not sure how much will get done in the near future, but i cant wait to get fit enough to get stuck in !
On a happier note, I received a blog award from Tanya at Allotments4you. Awards are always welcome, more-so when you're feeling down, so I thank Tanya very much for that. In keeping with idea, the information pertaining to the award is detailed below:-
I had this award passed on to me because my blog makes her happy. That's a nice thought.
There are a few rules with this award which are as follows:
I have to link Tanya's blog to me, which I have done above.
Next, I am to list 10 things that make me happy.
Good Food.
Real Ale.
The seasons.
Natural history.
The thought that Labour will not win the next election!
Now all I have to do is pass the award on to some of my favourite bloggers...these would be:
Fiona @ The Cottage Smallholder
Nick @ The Tree House Diaries
Jo @ The Good Life
Mr H @ The Subsistence Pattern
Rosie @ Eco-Gites
Dan @ Urban Veggie Garden Blog
Carrie @ Grow Our Own
Amanda @ Eight by six
Sarah @ Our patch of earth
Layla @ Eco Experiment
Michelle @ From Seed to Table
Jenn @ Gamine's Garden
These are just a few of the blogs I read on a regular basis, that usually make me smile!
So what now ? Well, i need to see the specialist as soon as possible, and get back to work too. I cant live / survive on sick pay for too long. Also, i need to get some help on the plot - even if i have to get paid help, as i cant see myself being fit enough for a good while yet, and our second child is due in early July.
So, take care all and enjoy your gardens and gardening. Keep your blogs updated too, they are a huge incentive to me at the moment.
I hope the aforementioned bloggers happily receive their awards, and I look forward to posting a gardening update soon.
12 hours ago