Monday, 8 June 2009

Look what i got today !

Welcome back to Reads Allotment Retreat, our diary blog for our new allotment. We went to the plot this afternoon, just to have a look and see how things are coming along. While we were there, we each picked an onion which Ruby is proudly displaying in the picture. These sets ( v. Senshyu) were planted last year and have overwintered well to produce these fine specimens, each approximately tennis ball sized. It's nice to be able to harvest these so early, bearing in mind that the onion sets we planted recently will not be ready for some time yet. Wifey reports they are lovely to cook with, indeed we had one tonight in our prawn curry. Yummy.
There's lots still to do at the plot, and now my shift pattern has changed again to something more sociable, we should be able to get a bit more done.

That's all for now, but pop back soon for more updates.

Take care all,


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