Thursday, 19 March 2009

Seed Sowing chart - for reference!

Welcome back to Reads Allotment Retreat. Many of you have been asking me:"When is the best time to sow seeds?". The answer sadly is never straightforward, as sowing times often depend on many factors such as the weather, soil types, position, to name a few. There are though, a plethora of readily available guides, such as this one which came in a recent magazine supplement(Harrod Horticultural). (Double click on the picture to view full size). Remember though, these are only guides, but they do help you to plan ahead. Planning after all, is the key, and you cant do enough of it. Make notes as you go too, then the following year you can easily measure your success / failure , and continue to learn.

Good luck to you all!

Pop back soon for more updates from the allotment.


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